• hupovsimona@gmail.com
  • 0788.674.907

How to buy BTC

To buy BTC, you need a wallet in which to transfer your BTC after it is purchased.

The easiest ways to buy and send BTC are:

1. open an account at a cryptocurrency exchange, where you buy BTC with credit/debit card or by transferring EUR to the exchange, then transfer the BTC to our wallet. Recommended exchanges: tokero.com, bitcoinromania.com (both are Romanian exchanges) or binance.com (the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world).

2. install a mobile application that manages BTC wallets, buy BTC with the card (from the application), then send BTC to our wallet. Recommended apps: wallet.mycelium.com, trustwallet.com

Although it is more complicated than making a traditional donation from a bank account, using BTC for donations introduces you to the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies. Use this opportunity to learn a new skill while helping the children of the Ukrainian refugees!

You can donate in two steps:

How to transfer BTC to our wallet

Whether you have money on an exchange or a mobile application, the steps are:

1. alege funcția “Trimite BTC”

2. introduce adresa noastră de BTC, făcând copy/paste la adresa de cifre și litere de pe pagina de donații sau scanând codul QR de pe pagina de donații

3. alege taxa de transfer (dacă ți se cere, cu cât taxa e mai mare, cu atât ajung banii mai repede la noi)

4. inițiază tranzacția

Although it is more complicated than making a traditional donation from a bank account, using BTC for donations introduces you to the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies. Use this opportunity to learn a new skill while helping the children of the Ukrainian refugees!

You can donate in two steps:

How to check the BTC transfer

Verify the sending of money with a blockchain explorer(click aici)entering your BTC address, from where you made the transfer (BTC address from the exchange or BTC address from the mobile application)


How to set up and use Mycelium Wallet 9click here- English).

How to set up and use Trust Wallet (click here- video in English).

How to create an account at binance.com (click here – video în limba engleză) , cum cumperi BTC (click here-video în limba engleză) și cum transferi BTC (click here - video in English).


How to create an account at tokero.com (click here tutorial

How to transfer Euro from Revolut account to Tokeroclick here tutorial

How to deposit Euro and exchange Bitcoin in Tokeroclick here tutorial

Although it is more complicated than making a traditional donation from a bank account, using BTC for donations introduces you to the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies. Use this opportunity to learn a new skill while helping the children of the Ukrainian refugees!

You can donate in two steps:
