• hupovsimona@gmail.com
  • 0788.674.907
About Us

About Us

Non-profit Association

The Association for Complementary Education is a non-profit association involved in educational and cultural projects.

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How we help

The Association for Complementary Education in Dumbrăvița-Timiș, Romania, organizes a fundraiser based on donations, to help the children of refugees from Ukraine, present in the Banat area, but also in other locations of Romania.

Educational materials

to purchase educational materials for children

Workshop materials

to buy materials, used in workshops that will be organized for children

Send donations to other NGO

send cash donations to other NGOs in Romania, which are involved in activities with childrenof Ukrainian refugees

School supplies

to purchase school supplies for the children of Ukrainean refugees, accommodated in and around Timisoara



We accept donations in the form of Bitcoin.

Pentru anonimitate, scaneaza codul alaturat din portofelul tau de Bitcoin și fa transferul catre portofelul nostru.

Press the following button to read more about bitcoin donation or scan the following QR code to donate.

detalii donatii bitcoin

to the address below!

or scan QR code

Do you have questions?
Imi poti scrie la lucadezmir[at]gmail[dot]com


Web design and technical support

Cryptocurrency exchange, project partner, zero commission in exchange for EUR-BTC, for those who donate
